Psalm 95

Chant Psalm 95

1 COME, let us SING to the LORD;
Let us SHOUT for joy to the ROCK of our salVATION.
2 Let us COME before His PREsence with thanksGIVING
And RAISE a loud SHOUT to Him with PSALMS.

3 FOR the LORD is a great GOD,
And a great KING aBOVE all GODS.
4 In His HAND are the CAVerns of the EARTH,
And the HEIGHTS of the HILLS are His ALSO.

5 The SEA is HIS, for He MADE it,
And His HANDS have MOLDED the dry LAND.
6 Come, let us BOW down, and BEND the KNEE,
And KNEEL before the LORD our MAKER.

7 FOR He IS our GOD,
And WE are the PEOple of His PASTure
AND the SHEEP of His HAND.
Oh, that toDAY you would HEARKen to His VOICE!

8 Harden not your HEARTS, as your FOREbears did in the WILDerness,
At MERibah, and on that day at MASsah, when they TEMPTed Me.
9 They PUT Me TO the TEST,
Though THEY had SEEN My WORKS.

10 FORTY years long I deTESTed that generation and SAID,
“This PEOple are WAYward in their HEARTS;
They DO not KNOW My WAYS.”
11 So I SWORE in My wrath, “They SHALL not enter into My REST.”